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Gallagher Centre Community Residential Facility

Program Overview

Gallagher Centre supports populations who demonstrate higher needs and experience complex challenges.

Gallagher Centre is a 16 bed residential community facility that provides client centered services to individuals who are currently involved or at risk of being involved in the Criminal Justice System.

What programs are at Gallagher Centre?

Federal Parole

Gallagher Centre supports individuals who are transitioning from federal institutions to the community. Staff and Parole Officers complete Individualized Support Plans to encourage and support successful reintegration into the community for individuals completing Federal sentences.

Mental Health Support Beds

Gallagher Centre also provides support to individuals who have been diagnosed with a mental illness or are suspected of having mental health complications.

Referrals are accepted from a wide variety of community partners including; hospitals, institutions, community agencies and police. Referrals are also accepted from community members such as family, friends or self. Eligible participants can access a bed for up to 30 days.

Participants work with the Transitional Case Worker on an Individualized Support Plan to focus in areas of need such as; housing, finances, employment, addiction/mental health support, and referrals to other community resources.

Admission is based on availability of bed space; however, participants who are deemed eligible can be placed on the wait list.

Probation Beds

Gallagher Centre supports individuals who are currently on Probation and are experiencing complex challenges related to suspect or confirmed mental health complications and homelessness.

Referrals are completed by Provincial Institutions, Lawyers and Probation Officers.

Eligible participants can access a bed for up to 60 days.

Participants develop an Individualized Support Plan with support from the Transitional Case Worker to focus on areas of need such as; housing options, financial resources, addiction/mental health support, employment options, and referrals to other community resources.

Admission is based on availability of bed space; however, participants who are deemed eligible can be placed on the wait list. Priority access is granted to Indigenous participants.


How can I make a referral to a Mental Health Support Bed?

A referral can be made by contacting the Transitional Case Worker at 226-376-1747.

How can I check bed status or confirm eligibility?

Contact Gallagher Centre at 519-451-7707 and speaking with staff directly.

How long is the waiting period to access a Mental Health Support Bed?

Waiting periods can vary depending on current occupancy and wait list numbers.  If you have been offered a bed and are currently on the wait list, it is recommended that you continue to communicate with the Transitional Case Worker as well as to communicate any changes in your circumstances.

How can I make a referral to a Federal Parole or Provinicial Probation bed?

For referral to these beds, contact Gallagher Centre staff at 519-451-7707 or 1-855-457-7707.

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